Our ‘Saturdays with Julia’ series features a glimpse into the creative process of our most talented friends—adding their story to the surface of our well-loved antique desk we affectionately call, Julia.

Save the dates for our Summer ‘Saturdays with Julia’ series.

June 1 - Brandon Kimes of Nodding Goat Home- Interior Design

June 8 - Alissa Hansen of Stone Cottage Studio- Watercolor and Sketch

June 15 - Brandi Gettert- Poetry Writing and Reading

June 22 - Mindy Horn and Michelle Rieflin of Copper & Wax Co.- Artistry of scents

June 29 - Kara Rosenberry- Painting

Her family goes back further than any can remember…the tales started in a large pine grove deep in a wooded cove, all the old and young pines danced in the dappled Sun while the breezes played their constant melody, the pines shared their stories, as trees magically do, through deep roots, through each grain and knot, every ripple and ring, echoing the secrets only the trees and Earth truly know.

Julia, beloved and eternally woven with herstory and those of her forbearers, has existed and inspired in many lives with gentle intention, supporting limitless readers, writers, poets of all ages, littles and bigs, both the people and their dreams.

With each touch, each teardrop, each spilling of inks or drinks, each crumb of joy or sorrow, each of the everydays, Julia has become more polished, more authentic, more interesting and, of course, far more inspiring with her every scar, her every color alteration, every dimple and every divot. The stories of the family of pines, in the dappled sunlight in a cove many generations ago still lives in each of her perfect grains and each beloved curve and crevice.

To some, “it’s just a desk” but, to us, we see Julia, herstory, her timeless inspiration and endless creative expanse, we see a place to be enveloped and protected while divining by defining our greatest gifts.
— Julia's Origin HerStory

Interested in joining Julia for her next Saturday series?

We are looking for creators with a strong artistic voice who would like to be featured working on their craft at Julia for an afternoon.

If you are interested in applying for a spot, please drop us a line below: